Script Service

Script Service

A play can put across a message faster and more effectively than most presentations especially when the issues are difficult or sensitive. An audience that is entertained and involved is more receptive than one that is simply listening and expressing fears and concerns through the mouths of characters generates more empathy and understanding.

My scripts are tailor made to suit the performers so whether you have a cast of 4 or 40 I can give them all something to say or do that suits their abilities and ambitions.

I can create plays for specific locations and incorporate local landmarks, people, history, events, even interviews (transcribed, audio or visual).

I have written plays to be performed in community centres, church halls, museums, hotels, sports centres, running tracks and rugby stadiums. Most have been non-theatre settings, and some have been promenade performances, leading the audience around different locations to make them feel part of the action.

I have worked with a wide range of groups, covering an equally wide range of topics. Plays are tailor made to suit the issues and the situation (e.g. conference). They can include, or be proceeded/followed by, accompanying workshop activities to train staff, etc. Some plays have been written to include short workshop activities designed to train staff whilst others have been followed by workshops developing themes from the play. Others have been recorded and used to prompt discussions and train staff.

I like a challenge!

Script Service