Community / Issue Based Projects

Community / Issue Based Projects


An exhibition and workshops developed with Corrie Shelley as part of the Creating Places II project at The Turnpike Gallery, Leigh. A visual, textual and musical celebration of the past, present and future of local Adult Care Provision supported by Arts Council England and Wigan Council.

Some feedback on the exhibition:
"Nice relaxing evening. Hosts were most welcoming and the passion for Leigh well and truly showed. Really enjoyed it."
"Great event. Good to find out about adult care in the local area. Good promotion of other local businesses."
"Really enjoyed the fashion show and snacks. Was great to get out of the house! Lovely staff and warm friendly environment. Love the Turnpike Gallery!!"
"Brilliant evening. Good to see local projects promoted. Very positive about the town."
"What a brilliant exhibition. I enjoyed making my own square and decorating it with my own ideas. Very therapeutic. Thanks."
"I found the exhibition very interesting especially the section about care in Leigh over the years. It is interesting to find out about my local area."

Wordsmiths/Paper Birds

An exhibition of prose and poems captured in a range of different mediums and materials inspired by the heritage of Leigh Spinners Mill, Queen Elizabeth II, wellbeing and the natural environment displayed at the Horrocks Gallery at Leigh Spinners Mill. In collaboration with Visual Artist Lisa Johnson. Healthy Arts in collaboration with Leigh Spinners Mill funded by the National Lottery Queen's Platinum Jubilee Fund.

Here is the final documentary of a 12-month project between professional artists and the community of Leigh, in celebration of Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee.

King Street Presents

Recording local people’s memories of life on King Street, Wigan in an anthology of writing by members of local creative writing groups, film and theatre posters and an original song. In collaboration with singer songwriter, Corrie Shelley and young people from Wigan’s Youth Zone. Streets Apart

Launch of Wigan, Leigh, Makerfield Women's Network

To celebrate International Women's Day. Using 'Cloak of Beauty' to inspire words of wisdom from Wigan's women which I turned into a poem. In collaboration with singer/songwriter Corrie Shelley.

"Just wanted to say Juleswriter that you were amazing today and to add Corrie into the mix was a brilliant move."
Angela Fell, Co Founder Northern Heart & Soul

Passport to Creativity

Improvisation and scripting workshops with Catching Creativity mental health support group, Bolton. In collaboration with musician and songwriter, Bob Kettle (Merry Hell).

Funded by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Passport to Creativity

Unexpected Encounters

Unexpected Encounters project funded by The Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund and run by the Museums Association. Creative writing with Sefton residents aged 65+ leading to wall display inspired by the natural history collections at The Atkinson Museum, Southport.

Hate Crime

Workshops using words and images to create an exhibition about Hate Crime with Bolton community group, Dramatic Action. St George's Gallery in Bolton.

Time For Me

Journal Therapy exercises and illustrated story book with a creative group for women experiencing depression and/or anxiety in the antenatal or postnatal period with a child up to the age of 2 years. Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust/Wigan Council/Healthy Arts.

Pressing the Right Buttons / On the Edge

One act play about the media’s portrayal of suicide for Rochdale MIND. Performed by Newfound Theatre Company in Rochdale and at the BBC in London. Adapted for screen, and filmed by Martin Freeth as On the Edge. Screened at Sunderland Shorts Film Festival.

Visit Martin Freeths website.

Saying Hello

Saying Hello

Age Concern/Salford University/Wigan Pier Theatre Company Intergenerational improvisation/ writing workshops leading to publication of booklet and commission of radio play, The Ageless Self, for training professionals. Years 8 and 9 from local High School, care home residents and Over 50s Forum.

“This project has been over 18 months in the making. Research workshops have involved young people as well as older people proving that this is an issue that doesn’t just effect the older generations. We hope that the play will now be heard far and wide and will help to inform people on how best to deal with the challenges of isolation we all face.”
Vicky Fletcher, Arts Development Officer, Wigan Leisure Culture Trust

Be a Rhino not a Sheep

Children & Young People Services Wigan/Platt Bridge Young Mums Group writing/research workshops leading to publication of book & commission of stage play, Be a Rhino Not a Sheep, for teenage pregnancy awareness day. Young Mums & local FE students aged 16-19.

The Wednesday Club

The Wednesday Club

Fictionalised account of local vicar’s work with young offenders and his correspondence with a prisoner on Death Row, Georgia, performed in church by professional actor & local young actors. Arts Council England/Leigh & Wigan Words Together Literary Festival.

Live Well Make Art

Using Journalling to increase self-awareness, reduce stress and help manage the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease and other chronic diseases and conditions. A research project funded by a Live Well Make Art Microgrant Award.

Wigan & Leigh Carers

Wigan & Leigh Carers

13 one-act plays about problems faced by Carers, & Young Carers performed at local conferences for carers & professionals, & used to train ward staff. Commissioned by Wigan Council/ Wigan Social Services/ Wigan & Leigh Carers/ Crossroads/ 5 Boroughs Partnership/ Wigan & Leigh CVS.