Projects With Young People

Projects With Young People

New Writing - Willpower Youth Theatre

Writing workshops leading to short scripts inspired by the work of Amnesty International, written & performed by young people from Willpower Theatre Company. Arts Council England/Leigh & Wigan Words Together Literary Festival.

New Writing - Willpower Youth Theatre

No Bravery Without Fear

T.I.E play about an imaginary meeting between Leigh’s Victoria Cross recipient, Alfred Wilkinson and Tyldesley’s Conscientious Objector, Arthur Turtle. Funded by Wigan Council's First World War Centenary Commemoration Fund and performed in schools by Green Room Creative Productions.

Colourful Caricatures

Drama improvisation with KS3 students inspired by artist Jennet Thomas’ film ‘The Unspeakable Freedom Device’ at The Grundy Art Gallery, Blackpool.

Haigh Fever

Research/improvisation/script workshops leading to promenade performance around Haigh Hall, Wigan. Years 9 & 10 from 4 High Schools with Wigan Pier Theatre Company.

Funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Ten Ten Plays - Edgeland

Short play performed by Action Transport Theatre Company as part of Tiny Plays collection in several venues. Dramaturg Kevin Dyer. ‘Edgeland’ by Julie McKiernan provides the most powerful piece of the evening, asking us to explore what the edge of our tolerance towards other people is. A real thought provoking piece of theatre superbly handled by the four strong cast.’

The Streets of Leigh

Promenade performance by 60+ performers aged 9-92 in 8 locations around Leigh Sports Village about the history of Leigh. Commissioned by Leigh Sports Trust and funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Script & videos

Be a Rhino not a Sheep

Children & Young People Services Wigan/Platt Bridge Young Mums Group writing/research workshops leading to publication of book & commission of stage play, Be a Rhino Not a Sheep, for teenage pregnancy awareness day. Young Mums & local FE students aged 16-19.

The Wednesday Club

The Wednesday Club

Fictionalised account of local vicar’s work with young offenders and his correspondence with a prisoner on Death Row, Georgia, performed in church by professional actor & local young actors. Arts Council England/Leigh & Wigan Words Together Literary Festival.

Lilford Park Centenary (LP100)

Re-enactment of opening day events, commemorative booklet, and scripted performances in the park. A Healthy Arts project funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Wigan Council's First World War Centenary Commemoration Fund.