
Publications - Life Books

A Life Well Lived: A Mother’s Wish Fulfilled

Ghostwritten and self-published in 2022 to celebrate the 100th birthday of Francis Rothwell MBE. Frank, a distant relation of the Bradshaigh family who once owned Haigh Hall, lost his mother at the age of six. He and his two siblings left their grandparents’ home in rural Nottinghamshire to live in Leigh with his father and his new wife. He became an apprentice blacksmith at the age of 14 and at 18 joined the RAF as part of the Motor Transit Light Repair Depot in Burma. He and his fellow engineers were protected by Gurkhas as they repaired military vehicles under enemy fire in Burma. Helped by his strong faith, he returned safely home to marry his fiancée, Anne and lived a long and happy life in Leigh. The book covers all aspects of his life from childhood, education and employment to his role in the local community as a lay preacher, trustee and Rotarian.
Available only from Frank’s family.

‘A Life Well Lived: A Mother’s Wish Fulfilled’
My Life in Their Hands

My Life in Their Hands

Ghostwritten and self-published in 2020 for non-verbal disabled man, Stephen Gallagher. Stephen, 58, suffered a common childhood condition aged six months that sadly progressed into a virus which caused an inflammation of the brain leaving him unable to speak and control his limbs. Without the aid of a communication device until the age of 16, he was assumed to have a learning disability. However, able to type with one finger, he did not let his disability get in the way and the book charts his many achievements including being awarded the prestigious Cornwell Scout Badge

‘This is a wonderful book on so many levels: wonderful that the central figure has been given a voice; wonderful that he has such an inspirational story to tell; wonderful that it is written in such an easy, friendly, matter-of-fact tone, as though Stephen was chatting directly to the reader; and wonderful that it shines a light on disability with warmth and humour, in spite of the difficulties. Brilliant!’

Available on Amazon